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Shayne Sanders – “Heartless”

If you know me, you know I am a big fan of music that draws emotion or better yet, shifts emotion. Whether it be a feeling I can relate to, or a situation that I haven’t experienced, but can hold empathy for-I LOVE IT.

Shayne Sanders consistently releases music with high levels of introspection and vulnerability. With his most recent release “Heartless”, he pairs his usual heart-driven honesty with a warm, upbeat, melody that puts me in the mind of late 90’s-early 2000’s alternative rock. This is one of those songs that makes you unafraid to look in the mirror and sacrifice old ways, for the power of unconditional love.

Shayne perfectly mixes his championed lyrical style with a sunny backdrop of drums, ukelele strings, and light 808’s. If you are familiar with Shayne’s catalogue, then you know he is no stranger to blending different genres with his core focus being well written rhapsody’s that we can relate to.

He opens “Heartless” with a beautiful confession of his love and how he’s ‘head over heels’ for the very love that is changing him. This leads to the melodic chorus where he puts it all on the table and reveals how this love has shifted him from being ‘hopeless and heartless’. And THAT my friends, is a #GXLDAPPROVED feeling…LOVE and being strong enough to honor WHO you love.

Check the link below to learn more about Shayne Sanders and stream “Heartless” on ALL platforms.