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Why Do I Yawn When I Sing?

Have you ever noticed a sudden yawn escape you while singing your favorite song? If so, you’re not alone. This phenomenon, where one yawns while singing, has puzzled many vocalists and casual singers alike.

Let’s dive deep into the science behind this curious occurrence and understand how it impacts singing.

The Science of Yawning and Singing

Yawning, scientifically known as oscitation, is a natural reflex that’s often associated with tiredness or boredom. However, its occurrence during singing is linked to a different set of reasons.

1. Breathing Mechanics:

  • Deep Breathing: Singing requires deep breathing and controlling breath, which can inadvertently trigger the yawn reflex. When we sing, we often take deeper breaths than usual, mimicking the breathing pattern associated with the onset of a yawn.
  • Diaphragm Activation: The diaphragm plays a crucial role in both yawning and singing. In singing, this muscle is actively engaged to control airflow, which can sometimes stimulate the same response as yawning.

2. Physiological Response:

  • Relaxation: Yawning is a body’s way of relaxing. In singing, particularly when trying to hit those high notes or maintain a melody, our body might trigger a yawn as a way to relax the vocal cords.
  • Oxygenation: There’s a popular belief that yawning increases oxygen levels in the brain. While singing, especially with vigorous vocal exercises, a yawn could be the body’s effort to increase oxygen intake.

3. Nervous System Activation:

  • Parasympathetic Response: Yawning can be a parasympathetic response to stress or anxiety. Singing, especially in public or for an important event, can trigger this response.

Managing Yawning While Singing

While it’s a natural reflex, excessive yawning can be disruptive to singing. Here are some tips to manage it:

  • Proper Breathing Techniques: Learn and practice proper breathing techniques that are specific to singing. This can help manage the depth and frequency of breaths, reducing the likelihood of yawning.
  • Vocal Warm-ups: Engaging in thorough vocal warm-ups can help reduce the tension in your vocal cords, diminishing the need for your body to yawn.
  • Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can exacerbate yawning. Ensure you’re well-hydrated, especially before singing.
  • Mindful Singing: Be conscious of the body’s responses while singing. If you feel a yawn coming, pause briefly, take a controlled breath, and continue.


Yawning while singing is a fascinating intersection of physiology and the art of singing. Understanding this phenomenon is crucial for singers who wish to manage it effectively. Remember, while it might seem peculiar, it’s a natural response, and with the right techniques, you can minimize its impact on your singing performance.

Yawning in the midst of a melody isn’t just a quirky occurrence but a window into the complex workings of our body when engaged in the art of singing. By embracing and understanding this reflex, singers can develop a more harmonious relationship with their vocal practice.