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Why Do I Cry When I Sing?

Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed by emotions while singing, to the point where tears start flowing? This phenomenon is more common than you might think. Singing, inherently linked with emotional expression, can trigger a profound emotional response.

This post delves into why we cry when we sing, the significance of these tears, and practical steps to manage them, especially if they interfere with performance.

The Emotional Power of Singing

Singing, at its core, is an emotional journey. When you sing, you’re not just producing notes; you’re channeling the essence of a song. This process often involves tapping into deep emotions, making you more susceptible to tears. The intensity of this emotional experience varies from person to person, but it’s a common thread among singers.

The Impact of Lyrics and Personal Connection

Powerful lyrics or a deep personal connection to a song can intensify this experience. Sometimes, a particular line or verse resonates so deeply it feels as if the song speaks directly to your life, your memories, and your heart. This connection can trigger emotional responses, including tears, as you relate the lyrics to your personal experiences.

Managing Emotions While Singing

While crying during a performance can be cathartic, it can also be problematic, especially for professional singers or those in formal settings. If you find yourself in this situation and wish to maintain composure, consider the following tips:

  1. Relaxation Techniques: Implementing relaxation methods before and during singing can help. Deep breathing exercises, meditation, or simply taking a moment to ground yourself can be beneficial.
  2. Stay in the Zone: Focus on the technical aspects of singing rather than the emotional content. Concentrating on breath control, pitch, and rhythm can help divert your attention away from the emotions that trigger tears.
  3. Emotional Preparation: If a particular song consistently evokes tears, spend time with it outside of performances. Sing it repeatedly in a less pressured environment until you feel more desensitized to its emotional impact.
  4. Professional Guidance: Sometimes, it helps to seek advice from a vocal coach or a therapist, especially if the emotional response to singing feels overwhelming.

Embracing the Tears

On the other hand, if you’re singing in a personal setting or feel comfortable with emotional expression during performances, embracing the tears can be therapeutic. Singing with emotion can be a form of emotional release, a way to process feelings or connect more deeply with your audience.


Crying while singing is a natural response to the emotional power of music. Whether it’s due to the poignant lyrics, a personal connection to the song, or the act of singing itself, it’s a testament to the profound impact music can have on our emotions.

While it’s important for performers to learn how to manage this response, it’s also crucial to acknowledge and respect the emotional depth that singing can bring to our lives.