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Use This Spotify Code to Rick Roll Your Enemies

One of the longest standing internet pranks in existence is the Rick Roll, which includes getting people to listen to “Never Gonna Give You Up” by Rick Astley in unexpected ways.

This meme has been around since the dawn of the internet, and it isn’t going away anytime soon.

With the constant evolution of the internet, folks have gotten pretty crafty when coming up with new ways to Rick Roll their enemies.

In the early days, this meant sending the video as an email attachment, citing it as important or amazing and waiting for your unsuspecting victims to click through. There have been many creative instances of the Rick Roll since then, including masked links, clever video editing, and more.

Music streaming giant Spotify got in on the fun in 2017, however unintentionally it may have been, with the introduction of Spotify codes. By doing so they blessed us with yet another vessel for the Rick Roll.

For those who aren’t familiar, Spotify Codes are unique codes generated for each song, artist, and album.

Users can scan the codes from their Spotify app, and it will take them to the piece of music that the code represents. Just like a QR code.

Thus, a Rick Roll Spotify code will take users to “Never Gonna Give You Up” by Rick Astley.

Since Spotify doesn’t display the name of the track associated with the code, your victim will not know they are being Rick Rolled until the song pops up on their app. Got em!

There are many ways to get creative with this.

You could tell your friend that it’s a new Drake and Future collab, for instance. Or, you can tell your Deadhead friend that some unreleased tapes from the 70s just hit Spotify, including an incredible, never-before-heard take on “Ripple”.

If you’re an artist, you can play it off like it’s a brand new song that you just released, tricking all of your fans into listening to “Never Gonna Give You Up.”

So, what are you waiting for? Grab the Rick Roll Spotify Code below and have some fun with it!

In case you wanted to watch it one more time, on your own terms, enjoy the music video for “Never Gonna Give You Up” below. Note that it now has over 1.3 billion views.